CAI is a Prime contractor on the NASPO ValuePoint (NVP) Master Agreement Number: 19-19-04 Procurement of Acquisition Support Services (PASS), RFP-18-002-SW
The contract was awarded by the State of Hawaii as the lead state for the National Association of State Purchasing Officials (NASPO) utilizing ValuePoint as the NASPO Cooperative Purchasing Organization LLC and is available State and Local procurement offices in all 50 U.S. States and U.S. territories through easy to implement and use participating agreements.
Follow this link to download CAI's Master Agreement form the NASPO website
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Under this contact the CAI Team provides the best multi-domain teaming partners and experience to provide the best solutions throughout the Acquisition Life-Cycle.
- Acquisition Planning - Requirements definition, Specification/SOW development, Solicitation and Evaluation Planning, Strategic Teaming, Independent Cost Estimate and MORE!
- Market Research - Cost and Pricing Analysis, Source Availability, Request for Information, Quotes, etc., Pre-solicitation Conference and MORE!
- Solicitation and Award - Solicitation development and review, Evaluation, Negotiation, Price Fair and Reasonable Determination, Sub-contractor flow-down and MORE!
- Contract Management - Change Management, Request for Equitable Adjustment, Process Optimization, Compliance Reviews, Burn Rate reviews, Quality Oversight and MORE!
- Completion and Closeout- Delivery & Acceptance Support, Final Payment & Closeout, Vendor Performance Evaluation and MORE!
- Full Domain Experience - Team CAI has extensive Acquisition Support Services Experience at the Federal, State, Local, and International level.
- Other Procurement Services - Policy, Project and Program Management, Secure Environment Contracts, Strategic Planning, Quantitative or Qualitative Requirements or Resource Analysis & Assessments, Manpower Programs, Program Evaluation, Training, Category Management.
Under the Master Agreement, CAI will have Participating Addendum (PA) in place with several states where our State and local customers can order our products and services immediately. If your state is not listed, follow this link to learn how your State or locality can access this contract with no cost or obligation. Current Participating agreements include:
North Carolina
World Class Team and Experience – Currently providing acquisition support and other services to 20 Federal Agencies, 33 State Governments and Agencies, over 150 different local municipal governments, 10 private sector companies, 200 partner schools at all levels, and 8 international governments. Our Team-wide reach-back (depth) and reach-across (breadth) ensures resources are available at the right place and precisely when needed. Our Subject Matter Experts are available to advise and assist direct support personnel to ensure our level of effort fully meets or exceeds all requirements. The CAI Team brings together the best multi-domain teaming partners to rapidly identify, design, and provide the best-value solutions.
If you are an innovative small business or an Agency wishing to nominate a small business to join our team, please contact us to learn how you can join the team
Select the team member logo below to learn more about the capabilities each brings to Team CAI or download our full Team Information Packet here:
Team lead and Prime Center for Applied Innovation, LLC (CAI) is a certified SDVOSB, Virginia SWaM, and microbusiness specializing in providing the best value, high Return on Investment solutions to our customers. The CAI provides innovative approaches to solve the most difficult problems by bringing together the best expertise from any source. Our flexible structure with low overhead provides customers the best, most responsive expertise tailored to meet their challenges. CAI’s expertise covers all phases of the acquisition life-cycle and has experience providing acquisition support and training to both State and Federal government customers. Download a CAI info paper here.
A sample of the CAI teams breath and depth of experience and expertise includes:
GC Associates, USA (GCA) brings the Team a Hawaii local partner with experience providing and supervising acquisition services including: Specifications/Scope of Work Review, Procurement Strategy & Acquisition Strategy Plan, Market Research, Cost/Pricing Analysis, Solicitation Review/Preparation, Source Selection, Cost Realism, Analysis and Vendor Performance Evaluation and program functions. GCA is a certified small disadvantaged business (8a) and VetBiz certified SDVOSB providing program management and training in the areas of human resources, information technology, engineering, logistics, and business consulting. Learn more about GC Associates here.
Malanaphy Consulting, LLC brings the Team a well-established local Hawaii teaming partner with extensive experience providing acquisition support services to 15 State of Hawaii agencies and their divisions including: SPO, DLNR LD, DLNR DOBOR, DLNR DOFAW, OIMT (now ETS), OHA, DOT, DoTAX, EUTF, PSD, DOH, DHHL, HHSC, DHS and B&F. Malanaphy is a Small Business with the aim of improving organizational effectiveness and enhancing positive community growth through learning performance solutions in customized training solutions; staffing services; and system security. Utilizes proven instructional design methodologies in collaboration with client needs. Learn more about Malanaphy here.
Management Analysis Technologies, Inc. (MAT) brings the CAI Team expertise in the full suite of Operations Research/Systems Analysis (ORSA) tools designed to complement Acquisition and Strategic Enterprise Modeling, Supply Chain Management Modeling, Statistical and Decision Analysis, and Forecasting. MAT is a SDVOSB offering strategic planning, administrative services, preparation and participation in analysis and reporting, training programs, policy/process analysis, quantitative and qualitative requirements and resource analysis and assessments, manpower programs, program evaluation, technical writing, management problem solving and communications.
NIGP Consulting/Periscope Brings the Team subject matter expertise on public procurement processes with a proven qualified, certified professional public procurement experts and Certified Public Procurement Officers (CPPO) for all PASS acquisition services, procurement reviews, policy and procedure development, and process improvement as it currently provides public to sector entities across North America. Learn more about NIGP and Periscope here.
ProTrain, LLC brings highest quality professional and technical training and its unique experience in Procurement Professional Education and Acquisition Support Services covering all portions of the Acquisition Life-Cycle. ProTrain is a Provider of turn-key Workforce Development training programs for individuals and organizations by delivering classroom as well as synchronous and asynchronous online instruction and custom development. Current active engagements include 200+ colleges, universities, community colleges and corporate training partners across the US. Learn more about ProTrain here.
Seventh Sense Consulting brings Team CAI a large capacity partner with extensive experience supporting procurement operations PASS requires. SSC has a large bench of former Government Communications, Acquisition and Procurement Executives who have served in both Government and industry transforming and enabling Federal, State and local acquisition and program functions specializing in all PASS areas. Learn more about Seventh Sense here.
Team-wide reach-back (depth) and reach-across (breadth) ensures the right capabilities at the right time and place.
Contact us for no cost consultation to help you define the products and services needed to meet your needs.
The CAI team is always looking for innovative, results oriented companies to expand our team capabilities. Please contact is at info@caihq.com for more information about joining the CAI Team.
Small Businesses Teamed to Deliver the Highest Quality

Learn about NASPO ValuePoint and Ordering Acquisition Support and consulting services through their online catalog